Click the "edit map" button on "Home" or the mind map display page to open on the mind map edit screen. Enter any changes to the registered information and click the "accept" button to save the changes. Items that can be edited from the mind map edit screen are as follows.
Enter the Name of the Mind Map.
Enter a description of the mind map.
Enter the genre, a category, etc. of the mind map. Several tags can be entered by placing a single byte space between tags. The list of tags of a mind map is displayed on the left side of the "Home" screen.
> How to Categorize a Map and a Topic
Check the "private" checkbox to hide the mind map from the view of other users. When the private setting is engaged, the "private" icon is displayed on the right side of the mind map name.
If a mind map is to be viewed only by specific users, first set the mind map as private and create an access code. Only users who have received a notification inviting them to view the mind map and containing the access code can open the mind map. The access code can be changed at a later time.
You can select if you accept comments by other users
This sets the display order of the mind map list (prior to selecting a map) on "Home". Use the pull down menu to move a mind map to the front.
Click the "accept" button to save any edited information.